Sep 08, 2023 — article

Surfact gathers IN, investors and partners to boost Norwegian tech innovation

Surfact IN2

By Mari Wachelke

The smart logistics startup Surfact recently launched the Norsk Arbeid initiative to strengthen innovation in the Norwegian tech ecosystem. The first meeting, held on August 31st, brought together key players from the tech landscape, including representatives from Innovation Norway, investors from RunwayFBU and Startuplab, as well as companies AION and AXXE.

The primary objective of Norsk Arbeid is to foster collaborative partnerships that amplify the strength and reach of the Norwegian tech innovation. It aims to nurture ideas from their conceptual stage to product development and successful market entry.

To highlight the numerous possibilities, Surfact presented their recent collaboration with the industry. The startup, co-founded by Per Magne Helseth and Bjørnar Lie and known for its sustainable approach to smart logistics, partnered with AION, a leading innovator in circular plastic solutions, and AXXE, a Norwegian electronics producer with a facility relying on INTEK automation equipment for hands-free production. Together, they developed a fully circular data carrier box designed to optimize supply chain and logistics processes while simultaneously reducing waste and environmental impact.

The Norsk Arbeid meetings serve as a collaborative forum, emphasizing the growing impact of startups on Norway's economic landscape and promoting value creation. "Innovative collaborations, like our partnership with AION and AXXE, are the testament to the potential of the Norwegian tech ecosystem. Norsk Arbeid seeks to elevate this potential, ensuring Norway's position at the forefront of global innovation and sustainable growth." concludes Helseth.

Read more about our Tech Hub member Surfact here 

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Surfact IN

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